조지아에 돌아온지도 어느새 3개월. 아이들 데리고 처음 방문한 미국 공립 도서관에서 어떤 책을 빌리면 좋을지 고민하던 중, 생각을 키워주면서도 가볍게 읽을 수 있는 파울로 코엘료(Paulo Coelho)의 책이 어떨까 생각이 들었다. 검색을 해보니 발키리 (Valkyries)라는 책이 남아 있었는데, 한국어로 번역되지 않은 책이었다.
중반까지 나름 재미있었는데 후반으로 갈 수록 점점 지루해지고 마무리 역시 조금 당항스럽다랄까? 신비주의 기독교 사상이 좀 거부감을 주는 그런 책이여서 약간은 의무감으로 완독을 했다. 알아보니 연금술사(1988) 이후 4년 만에 내 놓은 책으로 아무래도 내용도 순례자(1987)와 비슷한 신비주의 기독교(천주교) 사상이 강한 책이었다.
그래도 미국에 와서 처음으로 완독했다는 점, 나름 생각할만한 부분이 있었다는 점에서 뜻 깊은 책이 되었다.
가장 기억에 남는 부분은 코끼리 조련사의 이야기로 메세지는 "과거의 포로가 되지 말자"
코끼리를 어렸을 때부터 기둥에 묶어 놓으면 나중에 커서도 본인의 힘으로 부술 수 있는 기동에 묶여 있음에도 벗어나지 못한다.
나도 다른 인간도 마찬가지 아닐까?
과거의 포로가 되지 말자
No matter how hard she tried, she could think of not one moment when love had ever brought her peace. It was always accompanied by agony, intense joy and deep sadness.....Love comes to rest only when we are close to death.
Second mind : I want to know whether you are thinking about something else something beyond your control... The second mind is a tough thing to deal with. It's at work regardless of whether you want it to be or not.
All of us create a kind of 'magic space' around us. Usually it's a circle with about a 15-ft radius, and we pay attention to what goes on within it. It doesn't matter whether it's people, tables, telephones, or windows; we try to maintain control over that small world that we, ourselves, create.
A magus, though, always looks much further. We expand that magic space and try to control a great many more things. They call it looking at the horizon.
I'm saying that everything is a ritual. Just as a mass is a great ritual, composed of various parts, the everyday experience of any person is ,also...The name of that ritual is Routine...
When the ritual becomes consolidated the person becomes a slave.
Someone once said that the Earth produces enough to satisfying it but not enough to satisfy greed.
He recalled that once an animal trainer had told him how he was able to keep his elephants under control. The animals, as infants, well bounded by chains to a log. Do you try to escape, but could not. They tried throughout their entire infancy but the log was stronger than they were.
So they became accustomed to captivity. And when they were huge and strong, all the trainer had to do was place the chain around the one of their legs and anchor it anywhere - even to a wig - and they would not attempt to escape.
They were prisoners of their past.
"Very few old people look to the future, and I'm one of them. When we look into the future, what it holds for us : death" p.174
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